Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Comfort of Company in Tappedin

It is such a wonderful feeling to know that you are not alone. Even when you think your fears or your situation are unique, nine times out of ten there is someone in this world going through similar emotions. Throughout this semester , I was lucky enough to be a part of a closed environment in which I was free to express my frustrations and concerns with a group of sympathetic pre-service peers and an army of mentors and seasoned teachers. Tappedin served as the comfort net I needed as I made my way through the trials of student teaching. By reading and responding to the posts of my fellow students, I was able to share my perspective on various topics related to the field of education and benefit from their valuable experiences in the classroom. In creating my own discussion threads, I was able to get feedback on problems that pertained to me specifically. I really value the support and encouragement that Tappedin provided me, and I recommend that all pre-service teachers become a part of a similar environment.

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